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"Beaten Football"
Autor: Georg HeinzelmannDatum: 08.07.2014
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All beaten,
We too.
Lost honour and feeling,
Lost at the lawn,
We could madden.
Why will the game tread down from treater?
Why grumbled from grouser?
Debts due to the sport?
Compensation of war?
Referee without lordship.
Roules dictatet,
Melting to verbal greasing.
In Heat mistreated,
Wounds stay.
I´m hearing the prate hackneyed sayings:
This is sport.
That´s the new kind of American football?
Where the game that will play in respect to the antagonist?
Where the fairness in tribute of the sportmanslike Output?
Red is no longer red,
Even blood is still flowing.
Yellow no yellow,
Even the “distance” is missing.
How you call this sport?